AUKTION: FKI Stegeplade 3 Zoner

AUKTION: FKI Stegeplade 3 Zoner

7.000 kr.

Auktion på denne og mange andre varer: Grundet auktion er nævnte salgspris ikke gældende i øjeblikket. FKI Stegeplade 3 Zoner. Hvis det ønskes er der mulighed for afprøvning på stedet inden køb. Ring dog ind for at aftale nærmere dato og tidspunkt. Kan dog også afsendes i hele Danmark på køberens regning. Der gives ingen garanti på brugte varer men vi vil meget gerne hjælpe med at skaffe reservedele hvis det skulle blive nødvendigt i fremtiden. VI TAGER GERNE DIT GAMLE STORKØKKEN UDSTYR I BYTTE. Søgeord: Stegeplade Stegeplader Industri Storkøkken inventar Stege

Brabrand·8. apr.

AUKTION: Aurea Grøntsagssnitter

AUKTION: Aurea Grøntsagssnitter

3.500 kr.

Auktion på denne og mange andre varer: Grundet auktion er nævnte salgspris ikke gældende i øjeblikket. Aurea grøntsagssnitter. Hvis det ønskes er der mulighed for afprøvning på stedet inden køb. Ring dog ind for at aftale nærmere dato og tidspunkt. Kan dog også afsendes i hele Danmark på køberens regning. Der gives ingen garanti på brugte varer men vi vil meget gerne hjælpe med at skaffe reservedele hvis det skulle blive nødvendigt i fremtiden. VI TAGER GERNE DIT GAMLE STORKØKKEN UDSTYR I BYTTE. Søgeord: Grøntsagssnitter Grøntsagsskærer Grøntsagsmaskine Industri Storkøkken inventar

Brabrand·8. apr.



2.500 kr.

Touchless soap dish, SteriMedic Prime Series M - Green Prime Series M has many advantages that make it an excellent solution in the context of hygiene and comfort. Here are some of these advantages: Maximum hygiene: The non-contact soap dish minimizes contact with the soap surface, which helps prevent the transmission of germs and bacteria. Safety: Especially during epidemic and pandemic times, the contactless soap feeder provides users with a greater sense of security because they do not have to touch the common surface. Soap Saving: The touchless soap dish allows for precise soap dosing, leading to less product consumption and savings. Ease of use: The touchless soap dishes are intuitive to use and do not require pressing or twisting, which is especially beneficial for children, the elderly and other age groups. Lasting Quality: The high quality of materials and sturdy construction make the non-contact soap dishes durable and can last for many years. Minimalist design: Many manufacturers offer soap dishes with an elegant and modern design that fit into different interiors. Time saving: The non-contact soap feeders are quick to operate, which speeds up the hand washing process, which is important in places with heavy traffic. Diverse offer: There are many different models of contactless soap dishes that allow you to adapt to different needs and preferences. Waste reduction: A precise dose of soap minimizes waste and helps reduce waste. Cost efficiency: While the initial cost of buying a touchless soap dish may be higher than a traditional one, the savings from the soap consumption reduction may outweigh the long-term costs. Easy Maintenance: The touchless soap dishes are relatively easy to keep clean and maintain. Personalizable: Some non-contact soap dishes offer personalization features such as changing the amount of soap you are issuing or adapting to different types of soap. Application in various places:

Slagelse·21. jan.·