Okkultisme og psykoanalyse

Okkultisme og psykoanalyse


Ghosts - Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History. Af Peter Buse & Andrew Stott. Fra 1999 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780333711439 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lidt håndteringsmærker. Hardback. Pris: 350 kr. Haunted Subjects - Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and the Return of the Dead. Af Colin Davis. Fra 2007 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780230507821 Ubrugt/ulæst. Håndteringsmærker. Stød i hjørne og nederste kant af omslagets bagside. Hardback. Pris: 300 kr. India and the Occult. Af Gordon Djurdjevic. Fra 2014 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9781137404985 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lidt håndteringsmærker. Let tryk i hjørne. Hardback. En del af serien: "Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities". Pris: 400 kr. (Alle bøger kan sendes med GLS til Pakkeshop for 45 kr.). Kun henvendelse på tlf eller SMS. (Henvendelse i "beskeder" besvares ikke).

Odense N·13. maj.·




Diagnosis and the DSM - A Critical Review. Af Stijn Vanheule. Fra 2014 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9781137404671 Ubrugt/ulæst. Lette håndteringsmærker. Hardback. Pris: 200 kr. Foucault, Psychology and the Analytics of Power. Af Derek Hook. Fra 2007 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780230008199 Ubrugt/ulæst. Lidt håndteringsmærker. Hardback. En del af serien: "Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences". Pris 250 kr. Human Values and Global Governance - Studies in Development, Security and Culture, Volume 2. Af Björn Hettne. Fra 2008 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780230551282 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lidt håndteringsmærker. Tryk i hjørne og ryg. Hardback. Pris: 150 kr. Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Myth in Contemporary Culture - After Oedipus. Af Angie Voela. Fra 2017 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9781137483461 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lidt håndteringsmærker. Lette tryk i hjørner og ryg. Hardback. En del af serien: "Studies in the Psychosocial". Pris: 250 kr. The Talking Cure - Essays in Psychoanalysis and Language. Af Colin MacCabe. 1. udgave fra 1981 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780333235607 Ubrugt/ulæst. Minimale håndteringsspor. Hardback. Pris: 350 kr. Towards a New Human Being. Af Luce Irigaray, Mahon O'Brien & Christos Hadjioannou. Fra 2019 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9783030033910 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lette håndteringsmærker. Hardback. Pris: 250 kr. (Alle bøger kan sendes med GLS til Pakkeshop for 45 kr.). Kun henvendelse på tlf eller SMS. (Henvendelse i "beskeder" besvares ikke).

Odense N·13. maj.·

Freud og psykoanalyse

Freud og psykoanalyse


Freud's Mass Psychology - Questions of Scale. Af Celine Surprenant. Fra 2002 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780333997420 Ubrugt/ulæst. Lette håndteringsmærker. Let tryk i hjørne. Hardback. Pris: 200 kr. Freud's Memory - Psychoanalysis, Mourning and the Foreign Body. Af Rob White. 1. udgave fra 2008 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780230002647 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lette håndteringsmærker. Hardback. En del af serien: "Language, Discourse, Society". Pris: 350 kr. (Bøgerne kan sendes med GLS til Pakkeshop for 45 kr.). Kun henvendelse på tlf eller SMS. (Henvendelse i "beskeder" besvares ikke).

Odense N·13. maj.·

Psykoanalyse og kultur

Psykoanalyse og kultur


Sapphic Modernities - Sexuality, Women and National Culture. Af Laura Doan & Jane Garrity 1. udgave fra 2006 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9781403964984 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lidt håndteringsmærker. Lille, let ridse på forsiden. Lette tryk i hjørner. Hardback. Pris: 200 kr. Traces og Violence and Freedom of Thought. Af Lene Auestad & Amal Treacher Kabesh 1. udgave fra 2017 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9781137575012 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lette håndteringsmærker. Let stødt i toppen af ryggen. Hardback. En del af serien: "Studies in the Psychosocial". Pris: 250 kr. Japan in Analysis - Cultures of the Unconscious. Af Ian Parker. Fra 2008 på forlaget Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 9780230506916 Ubrugt/ulæst. Med lette håndteringsmærker. Små tryk i hjørner. Hardback. Pris: 350 kr. (Alle bøger kan sendes med GLS til Pakkeshop for 45 kr.). Kun henvendelse på tlf eller SMS. (Henvendelse i "beskeder" besvares ikke).

Odense N·13. maj.·

North American Indians (English). Andrew Haslam

North American Indians (English). Andrew Haslam

50 kr.

Language ‏ : ‎ English Describes how the Native Americans lived before the European settlers arrived, and demonstrates a variety of Indian crafts and skills. Provides instructions for making models of things used by indigenous peoples of North America throughout the development of their thousand-year-old civilization. Series: Make it Work! History 64 pages, Illustrated, 22.86 x 1.91 x 27.94 cm Fra 1997 på forlaget World Book Inc. ISBN: 15-8728-301-8 Vægt: 272 gram

Aabenraa·6. maj.

 Populære bunader. Af Laila Durán

Populære bunader. Af Laila Durán

95 kr.

Språk /language: Norsk /Engelsk. Med fokus på festbunadene som ble laget på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet, presenterer fotografen og forfatteren Laila Durán mer en tretti forskjellige bunader fra hele landet. Boken har over 100 bilder og er laget som en enkel oversikt. Med fokus på festbunadene som ble laget på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet, presenterer fotografen og forfatteren Laila Durán mer en tretti forskjellige bunader fra hele landet. Boken har over 100 bilder og er laget som en enkel oversikt With focus on the festive bunads made in the early 1900s, Laila Durán photographer and author presents more than thirty bunads from all over the country. The book is intended as an introduction to some of the most popular bunads in Norway. There are 100 colourful photographs and short historical summaries from areas in which folk costumes developed in an unbroken tradition to become bunads. Also included are embroidered bunads, the designs for which were inspired by old garments and objects. Pages /sidor: 63 Fra 2014 på forlaget Duran Publishing ISBN: 91-9807-851-8 Vægt: 166 gram #

Aabenraa·4. maj.

Serie: Why Do People... (4 bøger)

Serie: Why Do People... (4 bøger)

120 kr.

Why Do People: Take Drugs?, Live on the Streets? Drink Alcohol? & Join Gangs? (4 bøger) Authors: Patsy Westcott, Julie Johnson, Kaye Stearman. Language: English Hardcover. 1) Why Do People Take Drugs?, Patsy Westcott. Written for nine to 12-year-olds, this book examines why young people take substances that can be dangerous. The book is aimed at stimulating classroom discussion and gives children the information they need to form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-756-7 2) Why Do People Live on the Streets?, Kaye Stearman Written for nine to 12 year olds, this book examines how homeless people survive around the world. The author presents possible solutions to the problem and presents the facts in a manner that allows children form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-757-5 3) Why Do People Drink Alcohol?, Julie Johnson This book helps to answer questions about alcohol. It offers clear, no-nonsense information about all kinds of alcoholic drinks. It describes the effects of drinking and how it makes people feel and act. And it gives different people's opinion on the subject, including doctors.Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-760-5 4) Why Do People Join Gangs?, Julie Johnson This book gives clear, no-nonsense information about gangs and the people who join them. It also includes quotes from current and ex-gang members showing the pros and cons of gang life. It explores issues such as bullying and peer pressure while also showing the good sides of being one of the gang. Publisher: Wayland, 2001 ISBN: 07-5022-761-3 Weight: 1386 gram

Aabenraa·30. apr.

Få beskedNår der er nye resultater i Samfund og historie

Lup med søgeord i
Borg og slot: fin dansk udgivelse fra 1954

Borg og slot: fin dansk udgivelse fra 1954

25 kr.

SE FOTOS "Castle & Manor" Billeder af Sigvart Werner med ledsagende tekster af Therkel Mathiassen, med engelske oversættelser af Ingelise Holst. Berlingske Forlag - krt. - 1954 - 95 sider - fin stand Werner fotograferede gennem mange, mange år til en lang række udgivelser om Danmark; natur, markante bygninger, byer, landsbyer....... Denne pragtudgivelse indeholder en lang række store, flotte fotografier af Aalborg slot, Aalholm, Amalienborg, Sostrup, Berridsgaard, Borreby, Brahetrolleborg, Bregenved, Broholm, Bygholm, Børglum kloster, Christiansborg, Christanssæde, Clausholm, Dragsholm, Egeskov, ERemitagen, Fravdegård, Fredenborg, Frederiksberg slot, Frederiksborg slot, Gl. Estrup, Gavnø, Gisselfeld, Gjorslev, Kolonnaden, Hammershus, Krenkerup, Hesselagergård, Holmegård, Hindsgavl, Hverringe, Jerstrup, Kaalund kloster, Katholm, Knuthenborg, Kokkedal, Krabbesholm, Krenkerup Kronborg, Kærgård, Kørup, Ledreborg, Liselund, Lynderupgård, Løvenborg, Løvenholm, Marienlyst, Nakkebølle, Nyborg, Nysø, Nørholm, Prinsens palæ, Rosenborg, Rosenholm, Rudbjærggård, Rygård, Skaføgård, Sorgenfri, Tirsbæk, Torbenfeld, Tranekær. Valdemars slot, Steensgaard, Vallø, Villestrup, Visberggård, Voergård, Vordingborg, Ørslevkloster og Østrupgård. Se også mine øvrige annoncer på f.eks. gammel danmarks- og lokalhistorie og ikke mindst gemt og næsten forglemt musik på den rette medie: vinyl.....ja, hele slægtens læsestof og musik er i spil.

Frederikshavn·27. mar.

Focus on Molly's pilgrim : a new life in a new lan

Focus on Molly's pilgrim : a new life in a new lan

50 kr.

Language: English. Title: Focus on Molly's pilgrim : a new life in a new land project : stage 3-4 : Student's book Edited by Mogens Høirup, Poul Otto Mortensen Hovedemnet Immigranter belyses gennem forskellige tekster bl.a. titelfortællingen med efterfølgende videomanuskript, fagtekst om Ellis Island som opsamlingssted, interviews, digte, billeder samt fakta om immigration. 40 sider, illustreret, 30 cm Omslaget har brugsspor. Fra 1996 på forlaget Munksgaard ISBN: 87-16-11751-4 Vægt: 355 gram

Aabenraa·25. mar.

For flaget og flåden – 1943-45 – fin stand

For flaget og flåden – 1943-45 – fin stand

60 kr.

Om marinens personel og dets virke 1943-45 Søren Laub, Svend Kieler og Hans. Chr. Bjerg – 1995 – krt. – 333 sider – fin stand Total indholdsfortegnelse: se fotos Hovedoverskrifter: Marineministeriet med underlagte institutioner Aktivering af personellet ”Elverhøj” – marinens illegale stab Den illegale maritime efterretningstjeneste De illegale telegrafister Personellets illegale virke i Danmark Den illegale maritime transporttjeneste Personel og det uddannelse og tjeneste i Sverige Søværnspersonel i allieret krigstjeneste Begivenheder omkring den tyske kapitulation Virksomheden i Søværnet genoptages Meget rigt illustreret med gamle fotos af/fra bl.a. de mange danske fartøjer i mange situationer, lostning af tysk lastbil i Korsør, sænkede mineskibe på Nyholm, interneret personel i Tårnborglejren, det saboterede flyvemaskineværksted med resterne af den danske Dornier, fyr- og vagervæsenets ”Argus”, lodsskibet ”Skagen” som endte i Sverige, lejren ved Kirke Flinterup nær Sorø, soldaterhjemmet ”Grundtvigshus”, afprøvning af det tyske våbensystem ”Mistel” ved Møns klint, enmandstorpedoen ”Marder” ved Lynæs, telegrafer og radioer, telegrafister i arbejde, krydseren ”Prinz Eugen” i frihavnen, det brændende Shellhus, krydseren ”Nürnberg”, søløjtnant Harder med sstaben 5. maj, fiskere fra Faaborg, søkadet Kieler med havnegruppen i Kalundborg, isbryderfærgen ”Mjølner”, motorfærgen ”Storebælt”, der endte i Sverige, galeasen ”Ingeborg” sejler våben ind i Københavns sydhavn, stenguns i fiskekasser landes i nyborg, brigaden på havnen i Hälsingborg, flere engelske krigsfartøjer, de genfundne sænkede u-både i søminegraven………. Se også mine øvrige annoncer på f.eks. gammel danmarks- og lokalhistorie og ikke mindst gemt og næsten forglemt musik på dens rette medie: vinyl.....ja, hele slægtens læsestof og musik er i spil.

Frederikshavn·21. mar.

Aarhus Olie 1871-1996

Aarhus Olie 1871-1996

30 kr.

1996 – fast bind med smudsomslaget intakt – 229 sider – god stand Indholdsfortegnelse: se fotos ”Den engelske industrimand Sir George Watson havde i 1910 overtaget Aarhus Oliefabrik. For Lausen var der ingen tvivl om, at AO’s farligste fjende og konkurrent var ØK. O 1918 erfarede Lausen tilfældigt, at Watson havde fået en uformel forespørgsel fra Landmandsbanken og ØK, og at han var villig til at sælge AO. Lausen gjorde straks Watson opmærksom på sin forkøbsret. Watson svarede, at han var villig til at sælge AO til den første, som betalte den krævede pris. Derefter førte Lausen en hektisk og indædt kamp for sit livsværk, og i løbet af blot 36 timer lykkedes det ham at rejse 25,5 millioner kroner. Dermed havde Lausen slået ØK i kampen om AO”. Meget rigt og interessant illustreret med gamle fotos fra stort set hele perioden. Se også mine øvrige annoncer på f.eks. gammel danmarks- og lokalhistorie og ikke mindst gemt og næsten forglemt musik på dens rette medie: vinyl.....ja, hele slægtens læsestof og musik er i spil.

Frederikshavn·14. mar.

Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded

Bryan Adams f.1959. Wounded

200 kr.

Steidl Publishers 2013. 302 sider illustreret med sårede unge engelske soldater fra krigen i Irak og Afghanistan eller under træning – krigens resultater fra sin værste side, samtlige fotos er taget af sangeren Bryan Adams. Indbundet i lysebrunt hellærred, storformat 25,6 x 33,7 x 3,6 cm, vægt ca.2,6 kg, engelsk tekst, bortset fra få mindre pletter på bagsiden, som ny. Presents portraits of young British soldiers who have suffered life-changing injury in Iraq and Afghanistan or during training. This book includes images that reveal the sheer grit and bravery of the victims who, despite personal sacrifice, live each day with continued vim, vigour and dignity. Bryan Adams, the Canadian musician and photographer says: “My hope is that the photographs will convey what words cannot as they reflect the true realities of the wars we’ve been in,”

København S·8. mar.·

MAN - A 250-year history of succes through change

MAN - A 250-year history of succes through change

30 kr.

2008 - fast bind med smudsomslaget intakt - 128 sider - god stand – engelsksproget. En flot illustreret udgivelse om MAN Diesels historie. Mange, mange flotte fotos af/fra bl.a. minedrift, lastbiler, traktorer, kæmpemaskiner, produktionslinier, hængende tog, broer, jernbaner, køkkener, butikker, Fernewald, børn, arbejdere...... Se også mine øvrige annoncer på f.eks. gammel danmarks- og lokalhistorie og ikke mindst gemt og næsten forglemt musik på dens rette medie: vinyl.....ja, hele slægtens læsestof og musik er i spil.

Frederikshavn·5. mar.

Focus on Four Decades (4 bøger samlet)

Focus on Four Decades (4 bøger samlet)

250 kr.

Language: english. Cover: Hardback. 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland / Munksgaard 1995 Der er stødmærker på hjørner samt på top og bund af ryggene The Fifties ; af Tom Stacy (ISBN: 1-85210-722-7 / ISBN: 87-16-11584-8) The period from 1950 to 1959 saw enormous changes in society. In the uneasy peace wich followed the Second World War, austerity gradually gave way to affluence and more and more consumer goods became available. At the start of the decade, young people were expected to dress and behave like their parents. Most of them did, but there was a growing spirit of rebellion as teenagers began to develop their own tastes and express their own opinions. THE FIFTIES looks at this decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the dramatic social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Fifties Style ; Images of the Fifties. The Sixties ; Af Edward Grey (ISBN: 1-85210-723-5 / ISBN: 87-16-11582-9). The period from 1960 to 1969 was the time of a teenage explosion. As their parents grew more affluent, teenagers found themselves with more money to spend. New music and clothing industries sprang up to cater for their needs. During the sixties, young people were constantly in the news, whether because of fashions such as the miniskirt, pop froups like the Beatles, hippy communes or anti-war demonstrations... The Seventies ; af Michael Garrett (ISBN: 1-85210-724-3 / 87-16-11581-3) The period from 1970 to 1979 was a time of uncertainyt. The Eighties ; Af Edward Grey (ISBN: 1-85210-725-1 /87-16-11580-5) The period from 1980 to 1989 seemed to bring one disaster after another... Samlet vægt: 1412 gram

Aabenraa·28. feb.



80 kr.

Dobbeltspil - den sande historie om D-dags spionerne Af Ben Macintyre " D-Dag var vendepunktet under Anden Verdenskrig. Med landgangen i Normandiet bed de allierede tropper sig fast i det europæiske fastland. Det blev begyndelsen til enden på Det Tredje Rige. Men sejren blev ikke vundet med kanoner alene. I ugerne op til invasionen startede de Allierede en vildledningskampagne, der skulle føre tyskernes opmærksomhed væk fra Normandiet. Dobbeltspil er fortællingen om de fem agenter, der med fantasi og mod, forræderi og grådighed førte Hitler bag lyset og Europa mod friheden Ben Macintyre (f. 1963) er engelsk forfatter, historiker og klummeskribent ved The Times. Han har skrevet en lang række bestsellere om spionage og kontraspionage under Anden Verdenskrig" Bogen er i super fin stand, dog med boghylde slid mærker Tjek billeder ud og vurderer selv. Købt som beset - ingen reklamationsret / returret Kan afhentes eller sendes for købers regning og risiko

Christiansfeld·22. feb.

The Eighties (Series : Decades) Af Edward Grey

The Eighties (Series : Decades) Af Edward Grey

100 kr.

Hardback The period from 1980 to 1989 seemed to bring one disaster after another - famine, war, space tragedy, nuclear accident, the Aids virus... Yet, at the same time, the world became safer as the superpowers grew closer together. The decade marked the beginning of the era of truly global communications, and in 1985 more than 1,500 million people in 160 countries watched the Live Aid charity concert on television. THE EIGHTIES looks at this decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the dramatic social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Eighties Style ; Images of the Eighties 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 1-85210-725-1 Vægt: 357 gram

Aabenraa·19. feb.

The Fifties (Series : Decades) Af Tom Stacy

The Fifties (Series : Decades) Af Tom Stacy

100 kr.

Hardback The period from 1950 to 1959 saw enormous changes in society. In the uneasy peace wich followed the Second World War, austerity gradually gave way to affluence and more and more consumer goods became available. At the start of the decade, young people were expected to dress and behave like their parents. Most of them did, but there was a growing spirit of rebellion as teenagers began to develop their own tastes and express their own opinions. THE FIFTIES looks at this decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the dramatic social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Fifties Style ; Images of the Fifties 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 1-85210-722-7 Vægt: 356 gram

Aabenraa·19. feb.

The Seventies (Series : Decades) Af Michael Garret

The Seventies (Series : Decades) Af Michael Garret

100 kr.

Hardback The period from 1970 to 1979 was a time of uncertainyt. The World oil crisis which began in 1973 led to the collapse of many businesses and brought large-scale unemployment. the future for Young people looked far less secure than it had done in the previous decade; some ecpressed their disillusionment and anger through the startling music and fashions of the punk revolution. Meanwhile the Vietnam War ended, the women's movement gained increased support, and greater concern was shown for the enviroment. THE SEVENTIES looks at this fascinating decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Seventies Style ; Images of the Seventies 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 1-85210-724-3 Vægt: 356 gram

Aabenraa·19. feb.

The Sixties (Series : Decades) af Edward Grey

The Sixties (Series : Decades) af Edward Grey

100 kr.

Hardback The period from 1960 to 1969 was the time of a teenage explosion. As their parents grew more affluent, teenagers found themselves with more money to spend. New music and clothing industries sprang up to cater for their needs. During the sixties, young people were constantly in the news, whether because of fashions such as the miniskirt, pop froups like the Beatles, hippy communes or anti-war demonstrations. THE SIXTIES looks at this turbulent decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the dramatic social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; New Freedoms ; Youth Cultures ; Designs for Living ; Images of the Sixties 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 1-85210-723-5 Vægt: 357 gram

Aabenraa·19. feb.

1940-1945 – Danmark – se fotos og omtale

1940-1945 – Danmark – se fotos og omtale

30 kr.

”Dette skete under Danmarks frihedskamp” – på dansk, engelsk, tysk og fransk Nationalmuseet 1960 – fast bind – 93 sider – fin stand Bogen er indrettet således, at der på højresiderne er et foto, hvortil der på venstresiderne er knyttet en forklaring på 4 sprog. Se også mine øvrige annoncer på f.eks. gammel danmarks- og lokalhistorie og ikke mindst gemt og næsten forglemt musik på dens rette medie: vinyl.....ja, hele slægtens læsestof og musik er i spil.

Frederikshavn·31. jan.

FLYVEORDBOGEN på 4 sprog   John Foltmann

FLYVEORDBOGEN på 4 sprog John Foltmann

100 kr.

FLYVEORDBOGEN på 4 sprog John Foltmann Hardback m. smudsomslag 276 sider, Povl Branners forlag 1945 Engelsk-Dansk * Svensk-Dansk * Tysk-Dansk Dansk-Engelsk-Svensk-Tysk Der er også forskellige tegninger, se foto Smudsomslaget er i en noget miserabel stand, men bogen selv har kun få lette brugerspor. Jeg sælger her min fars gamle samling af fly relaterede bøger. Hvis du ønsker at se dem alle kan du lave en søgning på : PB-FLY Afhentes i 2791 Dragør eller kan sendes som forsikret pakke med GLS til nærmeste pakkeshop for 42 kr.

Dragør·13. jan.·

The Tale of Genji

The Tale of Genji

100 kr.

The Tale of Genji. Murasaki Shikibu. fra 1981. sider 1090. Illustreret. Fortællingen om Genji er en roman af den kvindelige japanske forfatter Murasaki Shikibu, fra begyndelsen af det 11. århundrede. Bogen er blevet kaldt verdens første psykologiske roman, verdens første moderne roman og verdens første roman. Wikipedia The first complete new translation for 25 years of the acknowledged masterpiece of Japanese literature. Lady Murasaki's great 11th century novel is a beautifully crafted story of love, betrayal and death at the Imperial Court. At the core of this epic is Prince Genji, the son of an emperor, whose passionate character, love affairs and shifting political fortunes, offer an equisite glimpse of the golden age of Japan. Royal Tyler's superb new translation is scrupulously true to the Japanese original but appeals immeadiately to the modern reader. This edition also includes notes, glossaries, character lists and a chronology to enable the reader to appreciate the richness of this classic of world literature. The Tale of Genji was written in the eleventh century by Murasaki Shikibu, a lady of the Heian court. It is universally recognized as the greatest masterpiece of Japanese prose narrative, perhaps the earliest true novel in the history of the world. Until now there has been no translation that is both complete and scrupulously faithful to the original text. Edward G. Seidensticker's masterly rendering was first published in two volumes in 1976 and immediately hailed as a classic of the translator's art. It is here presented in one unabridged volume, illustrated throughout by woodcuts taken from a 1650 Japanese edition of The Tale of Genji.

Gentofte·30. nov. 2023·

H.C. Andersen Album I-V samt 2 tekstbind

H.C. Andersen Album I-V samt 2 tekstbind

420 kr.

H.C. Andersen Album I-V samt 2 tekstbind Original hellærred i 2 grønne farver Udgivet af Lademann - 1980, forfattere Kåre Olsen, Helga Vang Lauridsen og Kirsten Weber Dansk og Engelsk+ Album i storfolio 287 sider (49 x 32 cm) De to tekstbind i kvartfolio 956 sider (24,5 x 16 cm) indeholder en transskription af samtlige tekster med undtagelse af de tyrkiske, gengivet ord- og bogstavret og så vidt muligt følgende originalen linje for linje. Til alle fremmedsprogede tekster med undtagelse af de svenske slutter der sig efter forlagets ønske en oversættelse til dansk. Derefter følger til alle numre i de fem album et oplysende tekstafsnit: princippet i dette er, at oplysningerne i videst muligt omfang gives med H.C. Andersens egne ord, hentet fra dagbøger, almanakker, selvbiografier og breve. Næsten alle tekster er nyoversat.

Tommerup·27. jun. 2023·



50 kr.

Herodotus, George Rawlinson. Herodotus (c480-c425) is 'The Father of History' and his Histories are the first piece of Western historical writing. They are also the most entertaining. Why did Pheidippides run the 26 miles and 385 yards (or 42.195 kilometres) from Marathon to Athens? And what did he do when he got there? Was the Battle of Salamis fought between sausage-sellers? Which is the oldest language in the world? Why did Leonidas and his 300 Spartans spend the morning before the battle of Thermopylae combing their hair? Why did every Babylonian woman have to sit in the Temple of Aphrodite until a man threw a coin into her lap, and how long was she likely to sit there? And what is the best way to kill a crocodile? This wide-ranging history provides the answers to all these fascinating questions as well as providing many fascinating insights into the Ancient World. Paperback. sider 733.

Gentofte·26. jun. 2023·

NYPD ESU Bog, Samuel M. Katz

NYPD ESU Bog, Samuel M. Katz

150 kr.

Fin Bog uden nogen former for skader eller æsel øre. NYPD by Samuel M. Katz Great insight into the Emergency Services Unit (ESU) of the largest police department in the world, the NYPD.ISBN 0-7603-0186-7This book is about 18 yrs old.Aprox. size 12" x 8.5"128 Pages Loaded with information and color pictures.Seems to be a hard to find item. Bogen er på 128 sider, fyldt med masser af billeder og givende information om NYPD ESU enhed. Husk endelig at tjekke mine andre Annoncer, bestemt et kig værd :-) Salg's info: Afhentning er muligt på adressen, i 5000 Odense. Varen kommer fra et Dyre og ryger frit hjem. Kan også sendes på købers regning, jeg sender selvfølgelig billigst muligt. Tager imod Mobilepay, Kontant og Bankoverførsel.

Odense C·5. jun. 2023·

2 bøger om Kina

2 bøger om Kina

80 kr.

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard & Mads Kirkebæk. China and Denmark relations since 1674. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) 2001. 337 sider, engelsk tekst, illustreret med få sort/hvide fotos og grafer, med fyldig bibliografi og index, hæftet, som ny Grant Evans, Christopher Hutto & Kuah Khun Eng. Where China meets Southeast Asia Social & Cultural Change in the Border Regions. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 2000. 346 sider, engelsk tekst, med fyldigt index, hæftet, som ny NB: Sælges kun samlet, vægt samlet 1,7 kg

København S·17. feb. 2023·

Vanishing Primitive Man af Timothy Severin

Vanishing Primitive Man af Timothy Severin

50 kr.

Hardback med omslag (lidt revet) - 380 sider TIM SEVERIN has made a career of retracing the storied journeys of mythical and historical figures. He has sailed a leather boat across the Atlantic in the wake of the Irish monk Saint Brendan, captained an Arab sailing ship from Muscat to China, steered the replica of a Bronze Age galley to seek the landfalls of Jason and the Argonauts and Ulysses, ridden the route of the First Crusade from a castle in Belgium to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, travelled on horseback with the nomads of Mongolia to explore the heritage of Genghis Khan, sailed the Pacific on a bamboo raft to test the theory that ancient Chinese mariners could have travelled to the Americas, retraced the journeys of Alfred Russel Wallace, Victorian pioneer naturalist, through the Spice Islands of Indonesia aboard a native sailing vessel, identified the facts behind the story of Moby Dick the fighting white whale among the native peoples of the Pacific islands, and discovered the origins of the ?real? Robinson Crusoe in the adventures of a castaway stranded 300 years ago on a desert island off the coast of Venezuela. As a historical novelist he has written the best-selling VIKING and HECTOR LYNCH trilogies. The Book of Dreams, the first volume of his SAXON trilogy was published in August 2012 His travels have been the subject of award winning documentary films and a major BBC documentary series, and are collected under the title TIME TRAVELLER. They have been screened on Discovery Channel, Sky Television, and National Geographic TV, and he has written regularly about his expeditions in the National Geographic Magazine. He has won the Thomas Cook Travel Book award, The Book of the Sea Award, a Christopher Prize, the Sykes Medal of the Society of Asian Affairs, and the literary Medal of the Academie de Marine. His replica boats have become museum exhibits. In l986 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society.

Hørsholm·31. dec. 2022·

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