Billede 1 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 2 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 3 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 4 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 5 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 6 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 7 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 8 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 9 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
Billede 10 - Bryan Adams f.1959.  Wounded
2300 København S

Bryan Adams f.1959. Wounded

200 kr.

Steidl Publishers 2013. 302 sider illustreret med sårede unge engelske soldater fra krigen i Irak og Afghanistan eller under træning – krigens resultater fra sin værste side, samtlige fotos er taget af sangeren Bryan Adams. Indbundet i lysebrunt hellærred, storformat 25,6 x 33,7 x 3,6 cm, vægt ca.2,6 kg, engelsk tekst, bortset fra få mindre pletter på bagsiden, som ny. Presents portraits of young British soldiers who have suffered life-changing injury in Iraq and Afghanistan or during training. This book includes images that reveal the sheer grit and bravery of the victims who, despite personal sacrifice, live each day with continued vim, vigour and dignity. Bryan Adams, the Canadian musician and photographer says: “My hope is that the photographs will convey what words cannot as they reflect the true realities of the wars we’ve been in,”

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