But after the gig...

But after the gig...

100 kr.

But after the gig... Author: Tezz Roberts with Steve Pottinger The larger-than-life story of Tezz Roberts, founder member of punk legends Discharge, guitarist in UK Subs, Ministry, Broken Bones etc. A tale which travels from Stoke to Chicago and on, criss-crossing the USA with one band or another, lurching from spur-of-the-moment madcap adventure to he-should-have-seen-it-coming mishap. Tezz has lived a life which most people can only dream of. Or see in their nightmares. And yet, after all the incredible highs and lows, he's come out in one piece (more or less) and continues to make and play music with his original band Discharge. This candid, no-hold-barred book is an absolute riot of a read. Publisher: Ignite Books (November 1, 2018) Language: English Paperback: 232 pages ISBN-10: 0993204465 ISBN-13: 978-0993204463

Melby·5. apr.

Lost and Sound - by Tobias Rapp

Lost and Sound - by Tobias Rapp

100 kr.

Almost everyone in the world knows someone who has flown to the German capital in recent years and proudly returned with bizarre stories of previously unimagined highs at endless techno parties at Berghain, Watergate or Tresor. All these stories contain a grain of truth. But many questions remain unanswered: Why is it that thousands of clubbing tourists land at Berlin Schönefeld airport every weekend? Why have clubs like Berghain become the stuff of legend the world over? Why have some of the best-known producers and techno DJs like Richie Hawtin and DJ Hell moved with their labels to this city? These are the kind of questions explored in Lost and Sound by Tobias Rapp, a German music journalist who has been living, working and partying in Berlin since the beginning of the nineties. He has spoken with DJs, clubbers, label bosses, hostel managers and urban planners; he has looked and listened carefully; and most important of all, he has been part of the dance floor himself. Following its publication in Germany in February 2009, Lost and Sound made an impact not seen from a book about popular music for a long time. Originally published by the renowned Suhrkamp Verlag, which also manages the works of Brecht, Adorno and Benjamin, the book almost single-handedly brought techno back into the eyes of the German media. Suddenly everyone wanted to get on board again. In the spring and summer of 2009 all the German daily and weekly papers carried reports on the Berlin party scene. It was around this time that Rapp switched employers.

Melby·17. mar.

To bøger af/om Bob Dylan

To bøger af/om Bob Dylan

100 kr.

Krøniker. Bind 1 Af Bob Dylan (2016) Den legendariske singer-songwriter Bob Dylan fortæller om sit liv og sin fyrre år lange karriere i sine længe ventede erindringer. Bogen, der er på ca. 300 sider og særdeles velskrevet og underholdende, er den første i en serie på tre hvori Bob Dylan selv skriver om sit liv og sin karriere. Den omhandler bl.a. den unge Hibbing-drengs ankomst til New York og skildrer beatniks og bohemer på folkemusikscenen i begyndelsen af 60'erne. Bob Dylan : en guide til hans plader (2019) Bob Dylan debuterede i 1962 med et album af overvejende gamle blues- og folkesange. Han blev forsanger i 1960'ernes ungdomsoprør med ´Blowin in the Wind´ og ´The Times They Are A Changin´ og han satte gang i den elektriske rock med ´Like a Rolling Stone´. Han indspillede psykedelisk musik under streng kunstnerisk kontrol med dobbeltalbummet ´Blonde on Blonde´ (1966) og i slutningen af årtiet gik han i den modsatte grøft og bragte den forkætrede countrymusik til ære og værdighed med ´Nashville Skyline´. Nogle af hans vigtigste plader udkom i 1970'erne ikke mindst mesterværket ´Blood on the Tracks´. I 1980'erne udsendte han en række kristne plader, og i 1990'erne viste han med ´Time Out of Mind´, at han tør være sin alder bekendt, og at rockmusik ikke blot er for ungdommen. På den officielle bootleg-udgivelse fra 2008 ´Tell Tale Signs´ var han igen aktuel i sin samtid. Christian Braad Thomsen og Asger Schnacks bog om Bob Dylan udgav oprindeligt bogen om Dylan i 1998. I denne anden, gennemreviderede udgave er der tilføjet 20 plader. Bogen vil derfor være uundværlig for både gamle og nye læsere.

Melby·11. mar.

Sjæl i flammer, Lars Muhl

Sjæl i flammer, Lars Muhl

80 kr.

Fragmenter af en protokol. ?Sjæl i flammer? er Lars Muhls erindringsbog og hans farvel til en musik-og-alt-muligt-andet kultur, som han var en inspireret og levende del af i en årerække. Måske en levende begravet. Hans bog er fuld af modsætninger: bekendelser og kritik, piger og musik, stoffer og turnéer, drømme og tvangsafvænning. Et selvopgør og et opgør med den tid, der er vores. hardback, 2008, flot, kan sendes m DAO for 41 kr oveni til nærmeste udleveringssted

Hinnerup·10. dec. 2022·